Modernization of the gas supply system
Modernization of individual units of the city gas supply system, representation of the largest manufacturing plants of valves, supply of materials for gas supply networks to the market
The advantages of the gas company TermoBuilding
About company
The main idea of creation of the company – modernization of separate knots of system of gas supply of the cities, representation of the largest world plants-producers of shutoff valves and delivery of traditional materials for gas supply networks on the CIS markets.
The purpose of the TermoBuilding company is leadership in the market of shut-off valves for gas supply. So our partners are the world’s leading manufacturers in this area – VAG Armaturen (valves and butterfly valves, Germany) and BOEHMER (ball valves, Germany). Years of experience and the quality of the products brought VAG and BOEHMER famous around the world.

As part of the improvement of individual components of the gas supply System, the technical center of the company TermoBuilding is engaged in the development of composite pipes. In the future, these pipes will become an alternative to steel pipes on high-pressure networks (more than 16 ATM.).
It’s no secret that the physical and chemical properties of various materials (polyethylene, PVC, fiberglass, steel, etc.) limit their use in certain conditions.
Combining materials with each other is a difficult task, but its solution allows to expand the range of applications of the final composite product. The disadvantages of one of the materials involved in the merger are compensated by the advantages of the other.