Gas tank in English means “gas storage”. In fact, it is a stationary steel container, which is used for the issuance of liquid and vapor phase of LPG to the gas pipeline. In Russia in winter the ground freezes up to one and a half meters, the groundwater level is high, which is why the operation of the gas tank is much more complicated. Also in the mix is essentially a content of the butane component. That is why the container should be below 60 cm from the surface of the earth. The very design of the container should be reinforced, the coating should be frost-resistant and elastic, and the locking equipment is as reliable as possible. The valves and the valves must be at a height to avoid flooding them with melt water.
For the operation of gas tanks in Russia, domestic engineers have developed special tanks, the production of which was launched at the Polish plant Chemet (Hemet). This plant specializes in the production of containers that work under pressure. In the course of production complex quality control of production, and also technological processes and materials applied to production is made. All products are subjected to complex tests.
Design features of tanks
There are two types of gas tanks: with high reinforcing pipes and high neck. High branch pipes are necessary for placement of emergency shut-off valves, here the gas pressure regulator is placed. Tanks with a high neck are equipped with a manhole. The gas pressure regulator can be placed above ground level, and the height should protect it from dirt and melt water. All valves are made in a moisture-proof version. You can also order a frost-resistant polymer reinforcement casing, which has a presentable appearance and does not rust. The flange itself is fixed with 24 bolts. Gas tanks with a capacity of 4850, 6400 and 9200 liters are produced, the last tank has three pairs of support legs, the previous two – two pairs.