What is the gas
First of all, it is necessary to determine its purpose. Resort to the installation of Autonomous gasification in the event that the main gas pipeline is not available. Gas is stored in its own tank and fed into the house directly from there, no connection with the main gas pipeline does not exist. We are all familiar with cylinders containing propane or butane. From such cylinders on dachas tiles on which it is possible to warm up water for tea work. For more serious use, they are not suitable. In order to achieve Autonomous gas supply, a special container for storing liquefied gas, which was called a gas tank, is required.
Through the basement gas enters the house through an underground gas pipeline, then thanks to the internal gas pipeline it enters the heating system, to the water heater, electric generator and gas stove. In order to fill the gas tank with gas, there are special gas carriers. In such tankers gas is delivered to the gas storage (gas tank). When using gas as heating for a house or cottage, it is necessary to fill the gas tank at least twice during the year.
Autonomous gasification does not use natural gas, instead propane-butane mixture is used in the liquefied state. It is this mixture that is filled with cars from the GCS. Natural gas has such physical and chemical properties that make it difficult to store. The liquefaction temperature is -160 degrees, the pressure should not be less than 200 bar. Such conditions are very difficult to maintain for gas storage at home. In addition, natural gas is not available everywhere. The mixture is much more caloric than natural gas-heat dissipation is three times higher. However, the use of propane-butane has its drawbacks. At sub-zero temperature, condensate is formed in the gas tank, which often makes it difficult to supply gas to the gas pipeline. In order to avoid condensation, gas tanks are immersed in the ground to a depth where the subzero temperature does not happen.