Project Description
Boehmer ball valves with welded body are 100% compliant with international standards. They provide high fire resistance, they are clearly observed conditional standard nominal passage. In the design of the product there is a self-lubricating bearings, capable especially at ultra-high pressures to provide a sufficiently low switching torque.
Design features of the product:
- fully welded body, i.e. not only fittings, but also the body are welded into a single unit
- the applied bearings do not require maintenance
- complete absence of electrostatic charge
- spring-loaded landing rings
- system ” Double Block and Bleed”
- special flange or welded connections
- fully passable partially passable
- quality seal “soft on soft” or ” metal on metal”
- sealed switching mechanism
- balls are installed in special pins
- interchangeable seals of the main switching mechanism at maximum pressure in the “Open” or “Closed”position.